Resource & Land Management Services
With a vast nationwide network of over 1,000 professional landmen throughout the U.S., Sovereign Natural Resources is everywhere your company needs to be -- providing the resource and land management services that help all of your acquisition needs.
The commission-based model we use when we partner with independent landmen allows your company to maintain complete control over your landman payables. Through the professional independent land agents who join forces with us, we provide:
Title Services, including abstracting Land, Mineral and Royalty Titles and Title Curative services
Lease Negotiation and Acquisition, including educating landowners who are potential lessors about the benefits of leasing their mineral rights
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Database Construction, Administration, Management and Consulting
Division Order Analysis
Drilling and Production Historical Research
Due Diligence Analysis, pre- and post-acquisition, both Courthouse and In-House
Eminent Domain Proceedings research and support
GIS and Mapping Services
Mineral and Royalty Purchasing
Oil, Gas, Mineral and Surface Lease Take-Off and Acquisition
Property Acquisitions, Divestitures, Research and Analysis
Real-Time Database Reporting and Real-Time Access
Seismic Permitting Surface Damage Settlements
Our resource and land management services are designed to help you make the most of your investment of time and money on any project -- so we provide highly efficient project management services that helps your operations stay ahead of schedule and under budget. Contact us today to learn why Sovereign Natural Resources is the land management company to choose, no matter the size or location of your projects.
What is your cost per acre?
For Additional Information
Please Contact
Sylvester "Rusty" Robinson III
office: (432) 279-0392
mobile:(812) 573-6005
email: Sr3@sovnr.com